Tag Archives: Anand Singh

China: An Emerging Imperialist Power and the Underlying Implications

Although China cannot directly challenge the US in one on one conflict because China is still much weaker than US in terms of military capacity, yet, recent years have witnessed a clear emergence of a new imperialist axis under the joint leadership of Russia and China in opposition to the US led imperialist axis. The ongoing wars in Middle East especially in Syria are clear indications of the sharpening of these inter-imperialist contradictions. Emergence of multilateral organizations such as Shanghai Cooperation Council and BRICS in itself is sufficient to refute the myth of unipolar world. Meanwhile signs of split in NATO are also becoming clear with the exit of Britain from the European Union and due to Trump’s protectionist policies in US. This opens a possibility that some European countries may also switch the camp. In any case, it is certain that the inter-imperialist conflicts are going to sharpen further in the days to come. Although the chances of a World War seem to be remote in the current circumstances, still regional wars and violent incidents are sure to increase.

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Trump’s Jerusalem Move – A sign of desperation of American Imperialism

To understand the implications of and the reasons behind US decision of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, it is necessary to understand the rivalry between two imperialist axes — The axis of Arab countries and Israel under the American leadership and Iran-Syria-Hezbollah axis under the Russian leadership. It needs to be noted that US move to intervene in the Syrian civil war to overthrow Bashar Al Assad’s government appears to be backfiring. The Islamic State has turned out to be a Frankenstein that is now hell bent on devouring its own master. The main reason behind US’s strategic failure is the open intervention of Russian imperialism in support of Syria because of which the Assad government appears to be standing on its own feet again.

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Palestinian Liberation Struggle: Contradictions Within

Increasingly Fatah is being dubbed as a puppet of Israel and US and its weakness is attributed primarily to the personality of Abbas and corruption in the ranks of Fatah. Such characterization, however, misses the point that Fatah and Abbas have a social base. Without investigating this social base, any effort to examine their weakness would be a wild goose chase. read more

Kashmir: A Tragic Tale of Betrayal by the Indian State

The history of Kashmir, however, bears witness to the fact that the periods of the so-called normalcy is merely the prelude to the next round of flare-up. The reason being the brazen obduracy of the Indian state in not recognizing the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people and its continued attempt to whitewash the long history of its betrayal in Kashmir. read more