Monthly Archives: July 2022

Issue 6, December 2021


In Lieu of Editorial
One Divides into Two: Application of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Directive on the Question of the Present Farmers’ Movement

Reader’s View
Reader’s View

Special Article
Marxist Thought on the Relationship between Practice and Theory: A Contemporary Reassessment and Refutation of Certain Incorrect Interpretations
– Abhinav Sinha

What can Engels Teach the Neo-Narodnik “Communists” and the Nationalist “Marxists” Today?
– Abhinav Sinha

Imperialism in the Times of Pandemic
– Anand

Data in the Time of Pandemic – A Marxist Perspective
– Bipin Balram

A Note on the Recent Protests and the Tasks of Communists in the US
– Maoist Communist Group, USA,

Against the Idiocy and Inanity of the Trot-Bundists and National Deviationists of ‘Pratibaddha-Lalkaar’ Group
– Abhinav

A Tragic Tale of Regression into Bundist Nationalism, National Chauvinism and Trotskyism In the Name of Contemplation on Marxism and National Question- Shivani

How Not To Think “Politically” On The Peasant Question In India
– Abhinav

Fragmentary Notes on a Few Pertinent Questions of Marxist Political Economy in the Special Context of Certain Ongoing Debate
– Abhinav

Evergrande: Symptom of the Typical Malaise of Capitalism
– Abhinav

Narrow Empiricism of Conspiracy Theorists and a Lesson from History
– Sunny

From the Classics

The Intellectuals and the Workers
– Karl Kautsky

The “Intellectuals” and Party Principles
– Karl Kautsky

Pegasus Exposé, the Myth of Privacy in Capitalism
– Sunny

What is Causing the Upheaval in Cuba?
– Anand

National Monetization Pipeline: Privatization by Sleight of Hand
– Anand

Agrarian Bourgeoisie Wins the First Round Against the Industrial-Financial Big Bourgeoisie in the Farm Laws Dispute: The Implications for the Working Class
– Abhinav

Fascist Design of the Modi Government to Distort History
– Amit

UP Population Bill – A Fascist Attack on Democratic Rights Based on Lies and Falsehoods
– Amit
