
Issue 7, March 2023


In Lieu of Editorial
Once Again, On the Revolutionary
Proletarian Strategy against Fascism

Reader’s View
Reader’s View

Special Article
Naxalbari and Subsequent Four Decades: A Retrospection
Deepayan Bose

Fragmentary Critical Notes Towards a
Preliminary Investigation of Althusser’s Concept of Ideology
Abhinav Sinha

Marxism and Feminism: A Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Exposition
 Shivani Kaul

Moot Point
Quantum Entanglement and the “Crisis of Materialism”

Old Wine in a Shiny New Bottle: the “Nationalist” Assertion of
India’s Continued Independent Foreign Policy

The Question of Determination of Program of
Indian Revolution and the Inanities of CPM
Jayaprakash, NSP

Crux of the Matter
Kavita Krishnan: Yet Another Renegade of the Proletariat

Philippines: For Want of a Correct Line and Program,
the Revolution was Lost!

India: The Modi Question
A Critical Review of the BBC Documentary

One Year of Ukraine War: Inter-imperialist Rivalry Escalating

Bharat Jodo Yatra: Welding the Interests of the Working Masses to
the Interests of the Bourgeoisie

Turkey Earthquake: The Scale of Death and Devastation

Not Simply Due to a Natural Calamity

Hindenburg Adani Scandal Reveals the
Predatory and Parasitic Nature of Capitalism

From the Classics
The Genesis of Capitalist Ground-Rent (excerpt)
Karl Marx



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Issue 5, January 2020

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Issue 4, January 2019

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Issue 2, January 2018

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Issue 1, January 2017

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