Tag Archives: Anvil-6

Issue 6, December 2021


In Lieu of Editorial
One Divides into Two: Application of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Directive on the Question of the Present Farmers’ Movement

Reader’s View
Reader’s View

Special Article
Marxist Thought on the Relationship between Practice and Theory: A Contemporary Reassessment and Refutation of Certain Incorrect Interpretations
– Abhinav Sinha

What can Engels Teach the Neo-Narodnik “Communists” and the Nationalist “Marxists” Today?
– Abhinav Sinha

Imperialism in the Times of Pandemic
– Anand

Data in the Time of Pandemic – A Marxist Perspective
– Bipin Balram

A Note on the Recent Protests and the Tasks of Communists in the US
– Maoist Communist Group, USA,

Against the Idiocy and Inanity of the Trot-Bundists and National Deviationists of ‘Pratibaddha-Lalkaar’ Group
– Abhinav

A Tragic Tale of Regression into Bundist Nationalism, National Chauvinism and Trotskyism In the Name of Contemplation on Marxism and National Question- Shivani

How Not To Think “Politically” On The Peasant Question In India
– Abhinav

Fragmentary Notes on a Few Pertinent Questions of Marxist Political Economy in the Special Context of Certain Ongoing Debate
– Abhinav

Evergrande: Symptom of the Typical Malaise of Capitalism
– Abhinav

Narrow Empiricism of Conspiracy Theorists and a Lesson from History
– Sunny

From the Classics

The Intellectuals and the Workers
– Karl Kautsky

The “Intellectuals” and Party Principles
– Karl Kautsky

Pegasus Exposé, the Myth of Privacy in Capitalism
– Sunny

What is Causing the Upheaval in Cuba?
– Anand

National Monetization Pipeline: Privatization by Sleight of Hand
– Anand

Agrarian Bourgeoisie Wins the First Round Against the Industrial-Financial Big Bourgeoisie in the Farm Laws Dispute: The Implications for the Working Class
– Abhinav

Fascist Design of the Modi Government to Distort History
– Amit

UP Population Bill – A Fascist Attack on Democratic Rights Based on Lies and Falsehoods
– Amit


Reader’s View

Reader’s View Dear Comrades,In this time of great conflict, we look to the workers of India as the force for social transformation. You can be sure that you have the full support of allies in the imperialist countries who reject … read more

Agrarian Bourgeoisie Wins the First Round Against the Industrial-Financial Big Bourgeoisie in the Farm Laws Dispute: The Implications for the Working Class

Agrarian Bourgeoisie Wins the First Round Against the Industrial-Financial Big Bourgeoisie in the Farm Laws Dispute: The Implications for the Working Class Abhinav The rich kulaks and farmers, that is, the agricultural bourgeoisie of Punjab, Haryana and Western UP have … read more

Fragmentary Notes on a Few Pertinent Questions of Marxist Political Economy in the Special Context of Certain Ongoing Debate

Fragmentary Notes on a Few Pertinent Questions of Marxist Political Economy in the Special Context of Certain Ongoing Debate Abhinav Communists seek truth from facts, not the other way round. In other words, theory is the scientific generalization of the experience of practice. … read more