Reader’s View

Reader’s View

I have been a reader of the literature brought out by your group but had some difficulty due to the language. It is good to get your views in English through The Anvil. I am sure it will help taking your views to non-Hindi readers in India and abroad. All the issues so far have very thought-provoking articles. Your articles on the rising challenge of Fascism and the correct strategy of fighting against it are extremely pertinent and must be discussed among the left circles. I also admire your boldness to criticise the views of intellectuals like Prabhat Patnaik who have been the darlings of parliamentary left and are confusing a lot of people by their social-democratic ideas. Please try to bring at least four issues a year.

– Fahad Ali, Thiruvananthapuram

Thanks for the essay on Marxism and Identity Question in Anvil-4. It is a hard-hitting one and makes it very clear why identity politics is detrimental to the working class movement. I don’t think it will be an exaggeratioon to say that it is the most dangerous ideology which has penetrated the working class movement and has destroyed many revolutionary groups as well as individuals. It should be faught tooth-and-nail and the article should be a very useful tool in this fight. I am also reading with interest the series on the history of Naxalbari movement. Apart from the well-researched facts, the analysis presented in the article is very important to understand the failures of the revolutionary left movement in India.

– Simon Prakash, Kollam

The Anvil fulfils the need of a platform for serious debate and polemics on Mrxist ideology. A lot of confusion has been created among the ranks of left movement (even among the leadership) by various ideological attacks on the basic tenets of Marxism. Various currents active on international level are busy distorting the fundamentals of Marxism as established by the five teachers, namely, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. I hope your journal will be an effective platform to reply to them and for meaningful discussion and debate on burning questions of the movement in India.

– Srikrishna Tyagi (on email)

Please try to present a reading list for young readers of Marxism in India. It will also be helpful if you can start a column to introduce Marxist classics with relevant examples from India and today’s world.

– A student, Delhi University

I have read all the issues of Anvil so far. The theoretical article are quite good. The criticism of established intellectuals like Teltumbde or Patnaik is important and should reach more people. The several articles on imperialism have been very helpful in understanding the present crisis. However, I will suggest to include more articles on contemporary issues which will help in understanding what is happening around us and how to change things. These days, it is easy for people like us, who are unable to directly participate in the struggle, to get disheartened by the madness that has gripped our country as well as the world at large. Your analyses will surely show us the things in a clearer light. My best wishes for your endeavors.

– A.M.



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