Monthly Archives: January 2017

Issue 1, January 2017


In Lieu of Editorial
Why ‘The Anvil’?

Special Article
Naxalbari and Subsequent Four Decades: A Retrospection
– Deepayan Bose

The Resistible Rise of Fascism and the Challenges of the Working Class Movement in India
– Abhinav Sinha

Moot Point
Hands off Lenin! ‘Patnaik Conjecture’ and the Travesty of Leninism
– Bipin Balaram
Lessons for the Saner Segments Who Wish to Inhabit the Margins Forever
– Abhinav Sinha

Crux of the Matter
Demonetisation and the Indian Left: Now is the Time to Question White Money
– Bipin Balaram

Kashmir: A Tragic Tale of Betrayal by the Indian State
– Anand Singh

Palestinian Liberation Struggle: Contradictions Within
– Anand Singh


Demonetisation and the Indian Left: Now is the Time to Question ‘White’ Money

Demonetisation and the subsequent chaos has opened up a class cleavage in Indian society which the revolutionary left has to exploit. The big bourgeois, the upper rungs of the petty bourgeois and the upper middle class are strongly in support of the fascists. The working class and the lowest sections of the petty bourgeoisie which are getting rapidly proletarianised are seething with anger. read more

Lessons for the Saner Segments Who Wish to Inhabit the Margins Forever

The entire theorization of Ravi Sinha is in fact such a hodge-podge, which has been wrapped in treacle of pedantic language and then served. This would prove quite influential and popular among passive radical intellectual circles as they always need a justification for doing nothing or an excuse to snuggle up in their comforting abodes on the margins… read more

Palestinian Liberation Struggle: Contradictions Within

Increasingly Fatah is being dubbed as a puppet of Israel and US and its weakness is attributed primarily to the personality of Abbas and corruption in the ranks of Fatah. Such characterization, however, misses the point that Fatah and Abbas have a social base. Without investigating this social base, any effort to examine their weakness would be a wild goose chase. read more

Kashmir: A Tragic Tale of Betrayal by the Indian State

The history of Kashmir, however, bears witness to the fact that the periods of the so-called normalcy is merely the prelude to the next round of flare-up. The reason being the brazen obduracy of the Indian state in not recognizing the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people and its continued attempt to whitewash the long history of its betrayal in Kashmir. read more

Why ‘The Anvil’

‘The Anvil’ is a very humble and modest initiative in the direction of responding to the ideological and political challenges of the movement, of problematizing the axiomatic and intuitive notions hindering the path of creative and critical thinking, of posing the right questions and initiating a fruitful debate among revolutionary communists. Read More