Tag Archives: Abhinav Sinha
How Not To Think “Politically” On The Peasant Question In India
Against the Idiocy and Inanity of the Trot-Bundists and National Deviationists of ‘Pratibaddha-Lalkaar’ Group
Evergrande: Symptom of the Typical Malaise of Capitalism
Marxist Thought on the Relationship between Practice and Theory: A Contemporary Reassessment and Refutation of Certain Incorrect Interpretations
The basic proposition of materialism is that matter is primary and consciousness is secondary and consciousness is a quality of matter itself which cannot exist independently of matter. This means that there can be no existence of consciousness independent of the matter; in other words, there can be no consciousness whose source is not the material reality/material world. Pre-Marxian materialism stops exactly at this point, for which Marx criticized Ludwig Feuerbach and wrote these celebrated words: “Philosophers have so far interpreted the world in various ways, the point, however, is to change it.”
read moreThe Re-election of Narendra Modi: A Representative Example of How Fascism Functions in the Twenty-first Century
Problems of the Revolutionary Communist Movement in India: The Question of Program and Strategy
Marxism and the Question of Identity
The Tragic Regression of Anand Teltumbde
Marx’s Capital : 150 Years and Beyond
Marxism is not an aggregation of everything that Marx said or did. Marxism is a worldview, approach and a method. This worldview and method of materialist dialectics is Marx’s epochal contribution to science. As Lenin said, Marx could never write his planned separate treatise on materialist dialectics, but he left us Capital, which is the application of the materialist dialectics in the arena of economic phenomena. read more